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Womanhood for Jenny Chapter 3

Gosh, jenny thought, Barb sure can spend money. "It's a good thing we've got rich lawyer husbands," she laughed, realizing she'd referred to Master as her husband out loud for the first time. It sounded good. It sounded right.

"Now that we've got you properly outfitted, let's go ahead and get you signed up for class so you can start tomorrow," Barb steered her into the fitness center.

With more than a few crude jokes about 'getting in shape' for her wedding, and 'getting limber and stretched before the honeymoon,' Barb guided jenny through the paperwork, gave her a tour of the complex including the locker room, got her set up with her own locker and combination lock, and arranged to pick her up in the morning for jenny's first class.

Jenny knew she'd be able to handle the classes physically, even during her period, but had misgivings about exercising with a plug in her bottom. Well, she told herself, between Master's cunt training program and almost daily use, her pussy would be sore tomorrow with or without the plug anyway. "Might as well get used to having a sore pussy You wanted to be a woman, remember," she said aloud as she settled behind the wheel of her little car, feeling the insistent prod of the plug as she buckled her seat belt. Glancing at the bag of expensive sportswear on the seat beside her, jenny secretly hoped Master would give her some fresh welts she could pretend to hide in the locker room tomorrow.

For her first class the next morning, jenny's 'modesty' was accepted without comment by the others, but Barb stayed close by, and saw the tell-tale bruises and welts. Jenny's, "I'll tell you all about it later, Babs," and her quick kiss on the lips insured jenny's 'secret' would stay between just the two of them, at least for the present.

The class was fun. Working out with friends added giggles and laughter to the strenuous routine. Jenny's new breasts bounced enough even with the sports bra that she felt a pleasing feminine ache. Toweling off rivulets of sweat in the locker room later, jenny again begged Barb's silence. "Master is preparing me for a major event before the wedding, Babs. Next week, He should be finished, and I'll tell you everything over lunch, promise."

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