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At that moment he stiffened, and his first spurt shot straight down my throat. Quickly I pulled back, and caught his next eruption on my tongue. Of course, I swallowed that too. His come tasted much like his cock secretions, but stronger, saltier, and spicier, as though laced with tequila instead of vodka. It reminded me of margaritas and it made me just as drunk. I collapsed at his feet moaning and vaguely jerking my hips, my cock pulsing wildly.

He silently dropped down beside me, and returned the favor. It didn't take long at all. And he swallowed, too.

It made him violently ill.

* * *

My high school health class did not discuss which of the four food groups semen falls into. If I had been able to speak or even think first, I probably would have warned him off. Grae tells me he hasn't been that sick in twenty years. That time it was from a bean soup made with chicken stock. He'd chuckled weakly and told me the soup hadn't been nearly as good. I felt appalled and flattered, and beside myself with worry.

It took me half an hour to come to my senses. I dragged myself into the bathroom and found him retching into the toilet. I dropped down next to him and pulled his hair back out of the way. Finally he leaned back against the tub, panting.

"You should go. I'm going to be a while, and it's not going to be pretty."

"What happened?"

"Your come. I guess I'm allergic to it, like meat."

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know."

"Neither did I. Now go on, I don't really want you to see me like this."

So I left him alone. Read for a while. Fixed myself something to eat. Read some more. Watched some TV. Tried to check on him a couple of times, but the bathroom door was locked. Finally went to bed by myself. It took me forever to go to sleep.

It took him two days to get better, but at least I was able to nurse him the following day. Made lots of tea, kept him tucked under the covers, put cool washcloths on his forehead. And gave him two more blowjobs. The next day he was strong enough to fuck me again, and that night he left his egg inside me, impregnating me.

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