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Finding A New Purpose Chapter 1

"What the hell!" I yelled as I died yet again, almost throwing the controller before catching a glare from him.

"You sure as hell better not throw that, Alex, or you're forking over the money to replace it," He said coolly.

"Well, this is a load of shit! Stupid trigger won't work."

"Typical excuse," he said grinning as he popped a few more rounds off at my character.

And just like that, it was over. I'd lost. Needless to say, I wasn't too pleased about it. "Two out of three, that was a crappy game."

He just laughed and to my surprise, started unbuttoning his pants. I think he saw my eyes get rather large. "What. You agreed to the bet."

"Uhh..." I was somewhat dumbstruck by his actions.

Mike only unzipped his pants in response. Suddenly, he zipped the back up and buttoned his pants again. "Ha! You thought I was totally being serious!" Another punch landed on my arm.

"Stop hitting me! Not my fault you looked like you meant it..." I said in a unintentional sulking manner. Lost that open window.

"Why did you say it like that?" He asked, giving me a strange look.


"Why did you say it all boo-hoo like?"

"Nothing. I didn't say it like that." I snapped back.

"Whatever, let's play again."

We played the next two rounds in close silence, one of us occasionally shouting out some obscenity over a cheap shot. I didn't look at him.

"Did you really think I was serious?" He said in the middle of the next match.

"What does it matter?"

"I'm just wondering."

"Like you would have wanted me to anyway." I said, still staring at the screen.

"You act as if I there's no way I would want to get a free hand job."

I stopped playing for a split second, long enough to say "You wouldn't?"

He set his controller down. "I just assumed you'd chicken out."

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