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All Night Forced Sex Part 6

"Ooooooooooooooooooooo your conquest has been delicious and your throat is so spasmodically tight, maybe I should just unload into you right here. Now just try and relax, you must listen to me and follow my commands."

With that I felt her withdraw and shove in again, me gagging all the way, full panic returning, her thrusts and strokes getting more and more vicious till she was ramming full long strokes down my throat. I whimpered. So completely tired from her relentless assault. I blacked out off and on, waking up to panic each time not even able to recognize my throat anymore.

Her balls quivered uncontrollably as her moans turned very, guttural. She pulled all the way out of me as tears streamed down my face. She kneeled down and kissed me, licking my face.

"You are so sweeeeeet. It is time for you to take my seed, now listen carefully (she caressed my face and hair), I want you to open your throat up to me as much as possible and scream for my cum, yes scream as I begin to rip your innocence away and make you a SLUT. Scream for my seed deep in your throat, scream for more of my cock, scream your submission to me. Scream for what will come after I am done with your throat."

She rolled me over, my face turned to one side, mouth tilted up towards her. I was shaking uncontrollably. She grabbed a dripping dildo and raised it over her head.

"Now I will prepare your ass as I feed your SLUT mouth"

She thrust her cock deep into my throat pumping wildly her balls ready to erupt in seconds, her body tightening ready to cum then she raised the dildo above her head like a knife and stabbed deep into my ass. I screamed a muffled panicked scream as her cock exploded in my mouth. I scream over and over as she stabbed my ass, gobs of warm cum filling my mouth, throat and belly. Her massive cock pumping my stomach full with each stroke. Cum dripped from my mouth as she continued to unload into me. I screamed like the SLUT she said I was and wanted to make me. My lips were tightly stretched around her and almost every stream of cum stayed in me. After she was spent and my ass had been savagely ripped open my repeated knifing thrusts she slowly pulled out.

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