Free Stories

Let me start out by saying that I was very much in the closet about my dressing and the fun I have when I'm dressed when this happened. But more and more I kept fantasizing about one of my male friends. He's very good looking and keeps in shape by jogging every day. Several of the times we've gone o... Read full Story
Pulled over
Kristen hurried to her car, worried that she would be late once again. She got in, slammed the door shut and turned on the engine in one smooth motion and raced off. "Damn!" she thought "the light's gonna change." She pressed her foot to the gas hoping she could make it and breez... Read full Story
Two girl adventure
It was a dark night as I strolled into the main street bar. I was 21, had been having hard luck with the ladies, and was looking to drown my sorrows in a couple brews. That's when I saw her. She was simply a knockout. She was about 5'8", blonde hair, blue eyes, and a smoking body. She was weari... Read full Story
Wild halloween night
First sorry everyone it’s been a several month since I been here was busy with my life. Anyway Halloween comes once a year and we all wear custom and I know personally lots of guys like to wear female custom. I am cross-dress and love Halloween, this Halloween was wild first ever wild Hallow... Read full Story
There's this street in the heart of town where I live that's looming with shemales at night. Sometimes my friends and I would just drive through, just to have a look at them, and boy are they ever hot! Some of them are better looking that the average woman! Anyway, one day I gathered the courage to ... Read full Story
A Halloween Hoodie story
This is the story of my first time going out dressed; it was halloween last year (2009). I figured i'd have less to worry about walking around dressed in a gothic tartan corset, spider-web mini-skirt, fencenet tights and about 10 armbands and bangles. It wasn't exactly brilliant but it was the excit... Read full Story
The switch
HI have been married for 12 years now. Trim and dapper, this 35-year-old's marriage was satisfactory enough and I played the role of husband well. Sex with the wife was still good, with both making out at least once a week or on rare occasions, once monthly. Twelve years on in this heterosexual rela... Read full Story
A Trip to the Beach
I had known Stacy for about three years, but I had never known about her little secret. That day when it was revealed changed everything for me, and for Stacy too. We were the greatest of friends, spending almost all our time together. We had come as close to each other as lovers but as two women, n... Read full Story
An Eyeful
“Mom you don’t understand and I can’t talk about it, but trust me it’s something that can’t be helped,” Erica explained to her mother. “Honey you’re not being very understanding.” Erica just rolled her eyes and pulled the phone away from he... Read full Story
Ann was the woman who gave away free samples in the supermarket where I was manager, and as often as we could, the employees could find us sitting in my office, smoking, laughing and talking. Ann had a way of smoking a cigarette that drove me insane with sexual desire. Inhaling, her lips were pucker... Read full Story
Job Description
My life changed recently and I’m still trying to figure out if it’s for the better. My name is Don and I’m 18 years old and fresh out of high school. My grades weren’t good enough to get me a scholarship and my parents make too much money to qualify for government money. So a... Read full Story
Painted Laddie for Mr. R
Gabe had had many strange photography assignments for the eccentric, but very rich Mr. R, an avid collector or erotica, but this was perhaps the most challenging. The money was better than good, however, and when he’d put a little thought into it, Gabe saw little problem in the execution of th... Read full Story
The Meeting
I had used computers all of my life. It was something that I had always felt very comfortable with and when I got the Internet it was something which really opened my mind. Being a shemale meant that I had felt very alone and very different but the Internet meant that I could find out about other pe... Read full Story
The Vet
I had a sick cat and was really lucky when I was able to squeeze in an appointment with the vet right at the end of the day. I knew that I was pushing it but because I was so desperate to have her looked at after work, I begged on the phone and the receptionist checked with the vet who let me have a... Read full Story
My Great Adventure
One morning after dressing in sis’s clothes and she is a hot fish net stockings and 5” patenet leather pumps and corsets to die for and a pair of padded inserts to enhance her already endowed breasts, I needed some excitement besides the usual pulling of the wang and using ... Read full Story
The Picnic
Going for a picnic was not my idea of fun. I was not a miserable person and liked being outdoors but the idea of eating on the ground where there would be ants and flies and thing like that did not fill me with joy. However, my boyfriend had promised me that it would be fun and so I took his word fo... Read full Story
No Hands
We arrived at her hotel room. I stood behind her with my arms wrapped around her waist, slowly caressing every inch of her torso, savouring every moment of this long awaited ambition. I buried my face in her hair and lightly kissed the side of her neck. I heard her breath escape in a gasp of anticip... Read full Story
The Holiday Cottage
I really needed to get away from it all. I guess it was a bit of a cliché but I had been working really hard and having no leisure time. I built up a lot of holiday and My boss insisted that I take some and relax and forget about work for a while. I lived for work and so forgetting it would b... Read full Story
Sucked out every last drop
Here's an very exciting story from our reader Salty47 who have given his ladyboy GF a blowjob for the first time and then sucked out every last drop of her delicious cum. This post is not at all like my first experience. We met and became good friends. I never gave a thought to her body parts - b... Read full Story
My amazing Filipina girl
Today's post is not a usual ladyboy sex story that we all got used to, but something more romantic, down-to-earth and non-porn. Thanks British Buy for sharing this story and being so brave in making your fantasies real and finding your true love. I wasn't looking when I found her. I wasn't reall... Read full Story
Gina's and Michael's Night Out, Part 1
Today we're publishing the first part of another lovely story written by our reputable forum member Ila. I believe You'll love it too and reading it will surely make you horny! Come back soon for the continuation of the story. ;) Gina stepped from the shower and grabbed a towel. She quickly dried... Read full Story
Gina's and Michael's Night Out, Part 2
Michael led the way out to the car. The front of his pants was bulging visibly; in anticipation of what was to come. Right behind was Gina who was caressing Michael’s tight ass, with one hand. Outside Michael put one arm around Gina’s tiny waist and the other around Rachael’s equal... Read full Story
Gina's and Michael's Night Out, Part 3
Rachael started first. She lowered her luscious lips onto Gina’s pussy and began eating her again. Michael took Rachael’s ladycock into his mouth and slowly started licking and sucking along her entire length. At the same time Gina took Michael into her mouth. Michael was thoroughly enjo... Read full Story
The Balcony
Story written by ila. I maneuvered my car through the heavy traffic of west London. I was on my way to see Keliana, the love of my life and the most beautiful woman in the world. Work had kept Keliana and I away from each other for the last two weeks. Longing to see my darling lent urgency to my ... Read full Story
Jenny, my dental nurse
Today our dear reader Marc tells us a story about how he met his first and the only transsexual lady in life. Way back in 1988 I was a poor student in New Zealand, my first year at Auckland Uni and going it alone in terms of study fees and books. I had a bad toothache and couldn't really afford t... Read full Story
How I became a ladyboy convert
Our friend Brian went to Thailand 3 years ago and had his first experience with a ladyboy details of which he would like to bring to Your attention now. He proudly tells he became a ladyboy convert after his first time and we have no doubt he did! On a trip to Thailand about 3 years ago I had my ... Read full Story
I will go back there!
Gotta thank our reader Amanda for this lovely ladyboy sex story. As an openly gay women I had heard so much about Katoeys in Thailand and that they were affectionate and prepared to do most things. I have to go to Bangkok on a marketing junket so decide to test the waters. The first bar I walked ... Read full Story
The girl that I miss so much
As if they are in collusion, our readers posted some really interesting stuff in the last 3 days I'm very glad to publish a second tgirl story in a row today. Our reader Sy from Johannesburg tells us about a beautiful girl that he spent un unforgettable evening with, and she seemed to love him too ... Read full Story
My second time with ladyboy Nan
If you like the idea of a girl going at it with a ladyboy and follow the ladyboy stories section of our blog for some time, you should remember the story about Thai ladyboy Nan that our reader Julia wrote. Well, this is her second report and I hope you enjoy it as much as the first one. This time... Read full Story
True story about a ladyboy first timer fucking her customer's as
Those of You that dream about having a beautiful Asian ladyboy fuck your ass will certainly love this naughty story posted by our reader Tommy where he got his asshole violated by a cute ladyboy. Did I mention that she was a first timer and Tommy was her first customer? Hi, me again with anothe... Read full Story
Thank you for Paradise
This hot shemale story was sent to me by our forum member Leeya and i'm anxious to share it here with everybody. It's a classy story about a guy who went to an Asian country on a business trip and met a very beautiful womain in a very romantic atmosphere... Little did he know that this young voluptu... Read full Story
Office Fun
He had worked in the office for just over 6 months, and couldn’t stand the job. It was tedious data analysis type work which bored the hell out of him, and he had to do it eight hours a day, five days a week. The only thing that got him through his long days was Marcia. Marcia was a stunning w... Read full Story
Out and all in
I was going to publish this story tomorrow but i just don't seem to keep this only to myself and the forum members. This is another story by tgirl Fran and oh my, she does know how to write! This was one of the most vivid and romantic description of 69 sex i ever got to read! I bet you will agree wi... Read full Story
In the deep woods
Our forum star, Fran, wrote another little story for all of us and, although it doesn't boast any hardcore action, it's still very delightful. In the course of my job some years ago, it often took me into the deep woods. One day I was off in the foothills and thought I would be by myself so I was... Read full Story
Good Morning
This story was posted at our forum by a tgirl that goes by nick franalexes and although, a certain "ali" is mentioned there, anyone having even a little bit of clue will understand who really the story was about. (my humble assumption) ;) It is morning. The pine trees cast their long sh... Read full Story
Lakeside Awakening
If anyone had told the way I’d meet my soul mate a few years ago, I never would have believed it. It was my senior year of high school and I had recently gotten out of yet another bad relationship with a girl. Lina had been a pretty, chubby blonde with a nice personality but a nasty temper. We... Read full Story
The Country Walk
It was one of those hot and breezy summer days which seemed to be wasted inside the house. We did not have a garden and so we always tried to go out for a walk when it was weather like this. We had decided to take the car out to the countryside and have a walk in some fields where it would be quiet ... Read full Story
First cock in skirt
Another little hot story from our forum. A guy who goes by nick Stephen54 writes about his very first experience with a hot CD, getting and giving his first blowjob and having anal sex for the first time. Hello. Was wondering what peoples first time experience was? Mine was back in the 70's, d... Read full Story
It's a cold, windy, and snowy evening
Another work of art of a shemale lover. Props for this wonderful romantic story go to our forum member Ila. It's a cold, windy, and snowy evening. My lady and I are in the bathtub together. The water is still very warm and the scent of bubble bath still lingers in the air. I have just bathed her ... Read full Story
Thinking about shecock
This Ode to shecock was posted at our forum by a great guy Ila. It pretty much sums up the feelings of all ladyboy lovers and I can't think of better words to express love for shemale cock, he already brought it to perfection. ;) I think about having a shecock in me just as often as I think about... Read full Story
3 tgirl story
Kristin made sure everything was ready. Her parents were out of town, and said she could have 2 friends over. She decided on her best friends Taylor and Siera. She also planned on showing them that she was, in fact, a shemale. The 2 arrived around 630 to 7. Her cock grew hard when she looked at them... Read full Story
A slave for three beautiful shemales
Here's another great story that was submitted by one of our readers. Enjoy reading. I used to be a bouncer at a night club and one day after my shift a very foxy black busty babe approached me just outside the club. She was wearing hot pink track pants and itty bitty tube top that was some how ho... Read full Story
Worked for a shemale
I have a story much like the french maid one. I used to clean houses for a living, it wasn't good pay but it was work and i worked for a lady that goes by the name of amber dena. So anyway one day i was cleaning going over everything twice and when i got the bed room i found her naked jerking off I ... Read full Story
Party with my best friend
To continue the topic of shemales fucking girls, I am publishing this awesome story of a young girl getting fucked by her high school friend! Enjoy reading! My name is Cindy, and I am 18 years old. I have blonde hair and brown eyes, and boys think I am very sexy and attractive. But the story I am... Read full Story
She showed them the pictures
Some years ago, While my wife and I were separated, I was out of state and she called to ask if she could use the computer at my place. When I returned home she asked about the pictures she found of me all dressed up like a whore with some guys cock in my mouth and of me setting on a dildo and takin... Read full Story
My two encounters with shemales
I love it when our readers submit their stories. This one was posted by Harry a couple hours ago and i think it deserves its own post. Let us call the story "My two encounters with shemales". Enjoy reading! Last winter while on vacation I also had sex with the most beautiful shemale, wo... Read full Story
My Filipina transsexual penpal
I too feel very attracted to Ladyboys, especially Asians. Since I started looking at the Ladyboy sites a part of me feels deperate to one day date, and maybe even be with a transsexual the rest of my life. I feel that I will never be sexually complete until I have finally had sex with an Asian Ladyb... Read full Story
Tranny Lisa's first sexual experience
My name is Lisa, I am a 25 year old well hung little lady. Looking at me you would never believe with my perfect girlie body what I have in store for you. The things that I can do and teach you would blow the mind of the most advanced sex addict. Run your hand down feeling my feminine curves, a litt... Read full Story
I prefer ladyboys
I prefer Ladyboys than girls and if that makes me a gay guy then so be it. I live on my own in New Zealand and have a Ladyboy Friend in Thailand, whom I am very much in love with. We are planning to live together in Thailand within the next months. My Ladyboy Friend is very Beautiful and SHE takes... Read full Story
A French Maid For Me?
After calling the cleaning service, I really hoped that they would send some hot young cutie to tidy up my pad. When the doorbell rang, I dabbed the last bit of cologne on and headed for the door. Upon opening the door, my heart sank. The most beautiful woman stood at my door in a French maid's u... Read full Story
Very Clean Bad Boys
This weekend, I got myself set up with a little garden in the courtyard-style patio of my new apartment. And while I was getting everything repotted and boxed and hung, I learned to my chagrin that it’s quite possible to work up a sweat even in a 4 x 4 space. So by the time I was even halfw... Read full Story
Rain Check
Today was the first real day of autumn weather. I couldn’t hold still. After being cooped up all summer with the heat . . . ugh, I tell you, you folks who don’t live in the South have no idea how oppressive the heat gets. You can’t go outside, can’t play, can’t drive ar... Read full Story
How Macho became a shemale lover
I was 19 when I first got with a T-girl. Back then i was the macho man, easy to call someone a faggot, or something similar. Then one day at a club i saw this gorgeous women. I couldn't believe it. I was very surprised to see that she was generally being avoided. When i asked my friend he told me it... Read full Story
Been a ladyboy slave
I have been a slave to a ladyboy in thailand. I challenged her to wrestling match to see who is dominant and she won and sat on top of me nearly naked with her cock hanging over my face, and proceded to taunt me, and made me suck her cock and submit to her. Then she strapped a leash on me and tol... Read full Story
A TV in the Shoe Store
I work at a ladies shoe store at a large metropolitan mall. My name is Jillian, though my friends all call me Jilly. Those same friends also say that I am blessed with a beautiful face, and an athletic body! Pretty heady for a 30 year old woman whose ideas of athletics never got beyond sports i... Read full Story
Sheila’s Shaft
I first met Sheila a few months ago at a local cafe. She was hard to miss since she was the only six foot tall black woman in the building. I watched her for a little bit to see if anyone was going to join her. I approached her table after the waitress took her order. “Pardon me,” I s... Read full Story