Historias gratis

Free Shemale Dating Site The Place Where I Want To Spend My Life
Browsing through all payed porn services left my wallet thin, so I went for free shemale dating site option. When my boss noticed that I was paying less attention to work and more attention to Shemales, he fired me without any notice. I was hit hard with the economic crisis - the bank sell my hou... Lea la historia completa
You Will Have A Blast With These Shemale Live Cams
Have you ever checked out these shemale live cams? You would be crazy not to, even if you are someone who didn't think they were into shemales, because you are missing out on some of the wildest shows that you could ever imagine seeing. Seriously, come and check them out because if you don't then yo... Lea la historia completa
First time with a Tranny
My first tranny I had was back after I graduated from high school. I was working with her/him at a Wal-Mart store. We got along pretty good then we started to date, I was living on my own so we usually go to my apartment. I had no clue she had a cock, she was a very beautiful woman with size B tits.... Lea la historia completa
She was male
Near my home, a red light is the hub of prostitution in the town. Personally, I have no interest in having a prostitute but some of these sluts are nasty and attractive. Among them there was a tall blond green-eyed chick whom I had a special feeling to her. She had such a sex appeal that I could not... Lea la historia completa
My First threesome Part 2
After Ray's step-mother put make-up on me and fixed my already long hair she had me looking like a young sissy boy, that's saying a lot because I was 23 at the time. She then had me slip out of the outfit Ray had given and put me in a red throng and matching garter belt and bra. She had me wear blac... Lea la historia completa
First time knowing that I was a girl inside
I was always jealous of the girls when I was younger. Jealous of their playing, jealous of their clothes,etc. I felt different. So one night when I was young, I stole my moms high heels and pantyhose before she went to bed. Always felt the clothes were right for me and was mad I couldn't wear them. ... Lea la historia completa
For my Tgal Mistress
If one night You don't feel sleepy, that's the kind of thing i could do to help You with that: You'd be laying on Your bed, in pyjamas, ready for bed, but not sleep. i would take Your pants off. First i'd put Your still soft cock in my mouth, feeling it grow bigger on my tongue and sucking it deep... Lea la historia completa
Nylons in the Office
I work in an office where attractive women are few and far between. There is one analyst for whom I would die for one torrid lesbian affair. She's blonde, blue eyes, 5'7", 110ish, mid 30's and All-American good looks. Yesterday, I was briefing our director and she was sitting behind me. Sinc... Lea la historia completa
State Park Night Life ...
I was honey as all get out and showed up at the State Park in Quincy Ma, ready for some man on man action. All cumers were welcome. No rules on age, color, or size. I wanted dick. Stiff hard dick. And yes a creamy facial was on my list. The sun was just going down, and some old guy drove by my car a... Lea la historia completa
The Ball Game
Dad and myself had not had any "Barb" time in quite awhile. We never played when mom was around and needed some time together. A "boys" trip to KC would be just what we needed! Soon as dad got home from work we headed for KC. He had put my stuff in the trunk and when got a way... Lea la historia completa
How I Learned To Love Drag Part 14
I am standing in front of a full-length mirror in the bedroom. The blonde curls cascade over a lovely visage. My clear blue eyes are my best feature. My high cheekbones, flawless complexion and inviting, kissable lips are a narcissist's dream. I am wearing a 'little black dress.' With a plungi... Lea la historia completa
Christmas time
This Christmas I spent time with my Black master. We decided it would be fun to crash at his pad and have some fun together. Yes, we had sex again but I found even more kinky then before. When we met up we greeted like typical guy friends. Walked in and talked like always. Soon sex came up and I pro... Lea la historia completa
My Fantasy
This dint really a sex story, more of a plan I would love to find someone willing to play with me. I would like to find a women who has a plumbing problem call me and ask me to come over and look at her problem, she would meet me at the door, wearing a robe tied at the waist, as she shakes my hand I... Lea la historia completa
Getting fucked by wemon
I was at home in my bed. When some wan came to the door. she was my friend christna she had tripp pants on big round booty big round tits and she was thin and had long black hair she had a coreset on with spikes on it and she had a black cloak on she came up to me and started kissing me un zipping m... Lea la historia completa
Preggo Scat Sex
Sara was horny. For any type of sex. She was stuck on a bus heading to her school. After 14 years of wasting her time She discovered her own sexual abilities.She had her first practice by fucking her brother's friend. She didn't come to school to learn. She came to screw anyone in sight. She had ... Lea la historia completa
Football party
Its Sunday funday…and the sexy fairy as a football party surprise for you. you come home from a party and you see the sexy fairy sucking Kelly’s huge cock…They are both wear tight short jerserys, black thongs, black stockings, and yellow heels. You are so hard and can wait to g... Lea la historia completa
Neigbor meets Paula for first time
TRUE STOREY HAPPEN TODAY....Well I moved back to Va. after 11 yrs and bought a home. the house next to mine was small and empty for a good while.Oneday I seen olderman over there well he bought it an fixed it up n moved in. After 9 months of us living next door to each other and talking I never a... Lea la historia completa
Gut next door
Well after Dan next door find out I was a crossdresser and we had sex.I knew there was something I had to do. I woke sunday morning and loaded some boxes in to back of my pick up.He seen I was dressed as Paula and came over and asked what was in the boxes.The stuff I don,t want anymore all of Paul'... Lea la historia completa
What a Surprise
I am a 26-year-old single mother of two. My children are aged 5 and 4. I work at a local drive inn theater serving fast food items. This is where I met my Lesbian girl friends Jill and Annie. They were getting ready to move across town and had bought some new furniture so I went over to t... Lea la historia completa
Interview with a Fluffer
. "Clarissa", I want to thank you for agreeing to do this interview with me. I think a lot of my readers will be very curious to hear about your experiences in the industry. First of all, can you describe what is involved in your job for me? A. Hi Leah, first of all, no problem, I... Lea la historia completa
Cruzin the Ave
On a whim I decided to go out cruzin and found a nice one. I headed west down the Ave and just started up the hill by Auto Zone and Apple Wholesale. When one fine BSW was heading back east. Mind you I prefer W but this one was a hottie with a killer butt. Decent handfuls for tits too. She flashed ... Lea la historia completa
Tgirl at the bus stop
The radio was loud and the top was down when I first saw her. She looked so beautiful sitting there at the bus stop.I remember her legs, they were long and tan and clad in silky smooth thigh highs. Her skirt shifted when she crossed her legs and I could see the garters clinging to her tan skin. She... Lea la historia completa
My first shemale encounter
I remember the first time I found myself in bed with a shemale. I had just broken up with my girlfriend. I was lonely, I was horny, and I had zero intention of finding myself in another relationship with a woman. When I told my buddy, Bob, he told me he knew just where to take me to solve this. So ... Lea la historia completa
I have had a fantasy since college. I was in the adult viewing booth when I heard a tap. I loooked down at the hole and heard a womans voice asking if I wanted my dick sucked. Obviously I did, so I pulled it out and stuck it through the hole. At first it was just licked with some tugging on my balls... Lea la historia completa
First BJ
I have always felt that I was a Woman born into a Man's body. Growing up I remember seeing my Mother in a girdle, garterbelt & Nylon stockings. I always felt that I wanted to wear them also. In school I watched the Girls start wearing their first bras, Nylons, garterbelts, makeup, heels etc. &am... Lea la historia completa
Deep sexual fantasy part 2
I Know it been since last year since wrote about my bring up, and in that time space I have done a lot more. So remember i was saying that in part 2 I would talk about my fantasy....well to my luck it came through :). On a cold winter Sunday, coming from a business meeting i made my way onto t... Lea la historia completa
When I was a boarder at a college
When I was a boarder at a college, I loved feeling female, bitch, I get fucked by several students! I loved to feel their bite back and forth between my thighs, creeping slowly but surely, between my butt to find its way to the bottom of my "vagina." Just being fucked made me cum wit... Lea la historia completa
My first TS
I know most of these stories are often full of cliches and often I debate how true they actually are. So now that I have experienced one for myself, I thought I would give this a shot. So, after spending the last few months planning and searching for ways to put my ultimate fantasy to the test: t... Lea la historia completa
Shy girl with a big secret Part 2
After Maria unloaded her seed in my mouth, I was amazed at the flavor, for it was sweet like sugar but had a bit if a salty tang. I kept most of her seed in my mouth, turned around, and kissed her full on the lips, letting the delicious cum flow from my mouth to hers. As this was going on, I started... Lea la historia completa
Sucking hard and good
I was never one of those transvestite porn fans or MTF & drag queen sex lovers. I much prefer sinking my teeth into kinky transgender personals or simply find myself a busty tgirl to love, hold and perform the best heshe fucking ever. So that's exactly what I did last night. I went to one of ... Lea la historia completa
Shemale secretary fucking
Ms Boss had said that I was to see her secretary concerning "letting of some steam". She and I had been at each others throats lately and Ms Boss didn´t like her two slaves to argue. So we were left alone in the break room after most people had gone home. And we were not to leave un... Lea la historia completa
My Week last Week
So it was pretty good. I never met a guy this fucking horny before, literally came three times. So I was wearing my black wig, awesome makeup, plad miniskirt, thigh highs/w knee high gogo boots, and cute top with my forms in. So I start sucking this guy who is rock hard when i step out of the bath... Lea la historia completa
Mature crossdresser & 18 year old Part 2
After we sat on the couch a few minutes kissing he whispered in my ear he wanted try licking my boy pussy.I said yes an postion myself so he could, for a boy that never done anything sexual before he speard my cheecks and started to lick and kiss my hole.Then he buried his face and tongue deep in my... Lea la historia completa
My First Shemale Encounter
"Wow!" I told Bob. "These chicks are all drop-dead gorgeous. What's the catch? Are they all hookers?" Bob grinned and shook his head. "No, Phil" he told me, continuing to smile. "All these girls are shemales". I must have looked confused, because he expl... Lea la historia completa
Bar Close
She grabbed his hand and he let her lead him out to the parking lot.Before he knew it she had shoved him up against a van and was unbucklinghis pants. She was on her knees with his dick in her throat in a matter of seconds. Nothing like this had ever happened to him before. He looked downat he... Lea la historia completa
Stephon fucks Sora and her sexy tranny ass
Ya know what fuck it since my last story wasn't good apparently imma just cut the bull and tell the whole story now shit. So my dick is in her ass and im in heaven, like on some cloud nine shit.the head board is knocking she screamming, im not sure how loud though cause im pretty focused.And like... Lea la historia completa
The First
When he finished with the make-up and donned the breast-length brunette wig with the bangs-- that was it. He felt the skirt against his cock and his lap. He liked the way his thighs looked with the eight inches of red and green plaid covering his "secret." He picked a tight black Slayer sh... Lea la historia completa
Ma femme Karine fait de moi un bon petit soumis
Alors que je suis occupé au boulot, à analyser des données financières, le téléphone sonne. Ma tendre moitié, d’une voix enjouée s’enquière de ma santé et de mon humeur. Je réponds laconiquement et distraitem... Lea la historia completa
I was applying lipstick when the doorknob turned and my heart jumped. Mom was shopping and not due back for a few hours! I looked in the mirror in time to see the door swing open and reveal mom standing there. Her face shocked! I was wearing her panties, bra, garter belt and nylons. A lacey slip ove... Lea la historia completa
My shemale GF
So my girlfriend ,who was originally my friend ,who I had no idea was a shamale, she hid it very well, she is white with brown hair and blue eyes, she is very pretty, has nice boobs very perky, great ass, and a beautiful voice, I asked her out, she was hesitant at first it took her awhile to say yes... Lea la historia completa
Female Performs Oral on Shemale
It was late in the evening and I decided I should take a quick shower and head out to do something while I had time from work. I turned off the porn movie I was watching and headed to the bathroom to shower. I quickly removed my clothes and jumped into the shower. I turned on the water and drifted i... Lea la historia completa
My shemale GF Part 2
So today she, her name is Christy, she wanted to do something kinky, very kinky I said that's fine. We cleaned up, she went into her closet, which was filled with dildos, butt plugs, sexy clothing, fleshlights, cock rings, paddles, lube, videos, magazines, bdsm things, and a fuck machine. She came o... Lea la historia completa
Our First Time
I take my hand a gently begin caressing the ever increasing bulge in your pants while tenderly kissing your neck. I push you onto the bed and crawl up to you and begin to unzip your pants. I take my hand and grasp your rock hard shaft and begin to stroke you. I can feel you get harder in my hand. I ... Lea la historia completa
Auntie and I
Auntie Teresa invited her friend Jean, from the beauty parlor to come over to help me remove my body hair. Jean specialized in waxing and Auntie told me it would hurt a little but that real beauty was worth a little pain. I complained and squirmed but Auntie told me it was necessary unless I wanted ... Lea la historia completa
My shemale GF Part 5
If you read my last story, you know that Ashley said she was going to dominate me, well that's exactly what she did. So today after work I went back to Christy's place not actually thinking she was going to fuck me. Christy was home before me and asked me to clean up, which is the universal sign ... Lea la historia completa
Aunties friend Jean, the esthetician, relaxed me with hot soaks in water and soothing bath oils, nice soft music and a mothers little helper. She used the "hard wax" method on me from my waist down (except my little package). Jean was very skillful and that first day I became totally hairl... Lea la historia completa
Travesti depuis quelques années, je suis en contact avec de nombreux amants potentiels. L’un d’eux (Fouad) m’a donné envie d’assouvir un fantasme récurent : être humiliée… Il était marié, avait 2 enfants, la cinquantaine... Lea la historia completa
Poker night
One night,my ex wife decided to play poker for fun,bout 30 min of playing,we made more interesting,that on the next hand,the loser had to do what ever the winner wants.I lost on purpose,so then she said to take a shower,and shave off all bodyhair,legs,chest,arms,underarms,face.then meet back in the ... Lea la historia completa
Transsexual Sisters Chapter 5
Part 5: A friend is forced to say goodbye Cassie had made things right with Michelle and Nicole. She now had to square things with Randy. She found him in the hospital lounge. "Hi Randy, can we talk?" "About what? I think you made things pretty clear the other night." ... Lea la historia completa
My first time wearing sexy panties Part 1
My mom and dad had just split up. So my mom and I moved from Buffalo NY to San Jose Calif.. We moved in with my uncle Jim when we got to San Jose. Uncle Jim was single but had his own house. It was a nice place and I had my own room. My uncle Jim worked at a bait and tackle shore and wen... Lea la historia completa
My favorite time with a man as a Tgirl
I was in the dance clubs with my friends and we were very sexy dressed in heels and low tops and I was in high heels and a mini dress that was flowers all around it. My ass looked so big and round in that dress. It was low on my big boobs and very tight so my boobs looked like they have coming out. ... Lea la historia completa
First time fun
Been dressing for about ten years, started with few items now got full wardrober. Gone the extra mile by shaving all over and shedding some serious pounds to look good. Found a great site in US who sell made to measue mens CD TV Clothing so know I look good. Anyway, on a few websites and cam wanked ... Lea la historia completa
Wife Meets a Trannie
This story started when a long lost college buddy of mine contacted me because he recently moved to the same city I live in. Last time I saw him was 14 years ago in college. He has married and now lives about 30 minutes from me. We arranged for a sync-up and invited him and his wife to our home. My ... Lea la historia completa
My older cross dressing friend
...come on up and take a shower". "Thanks for all your hard work". Tim is very gentle and courteous. "OK, thanks, I say" Wow, this shower is big enough for two" Tim, "I'll be right in" Looking at his hair free body I see how smooth his skin is, and what a nice... Lea la historia completa
What i'd like to experience
So everynight I come on here and beat my cock watching anything that attracts my attention. I started off with the hardcore porn and found most of the hot chicks on here just simply boring. too much acting and advertising just wont give me that hard cock to beat. so I fell in love with the mature, c... Lea la historia completa
My best ever day
Okay. I'm not a stpry writer but I think my experience was hot enough that it may keep your interest. I was 19 and I was on a training course for my new job. I had knew 2 weeks in advance where I was going so had started looking for mistresses in the area online. I didnt contact any but saved the... Lea la historia completa