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My First Time Out Part 4

It was Sunday morning at eight o’clock when the phone rang. Shayna’s eyes felt like they were glued shut but managed to answer the phone on the third ring.

“Morning,” said Shayna as she was still half-asleep.

“Good morning Shayna. This is the Bell Captain calling. I have an envelope addressed to you from a Sir Dominique. I know it’s early, so I can have it slipped under your door,” suggested the man.

“Huh, said Shayna drowsily?”

“This is the Bell Captain and the Bellboy will be slipping an ENVELOPE under your door. The letter is from a Sir Dominique,” repeated the man.

“That would be fine,” Shayna said in a hoarse voice.

Shayna hung up the phone and looked over at Lexi sleeping. Lexi still had on her clothes, jacket, and ankle boots. She was cuddled under the covers in an embryo position. Lexi looked so sweet and innocent that Shayna didn’t want to wake her.

Now that Shayna was awake, she knew she couldn’t go back to sleep. She wished she had a hot cappuccino or at least a cup of coffee to aid her mind and get her motor running. Shayna didn’t feel like going anywhere or calling room service. Instead, she went to her purse and uncapped the lid from the cocaine container. She stirred through the coke with the gold snorting tube, and figured there still had to be two grams of it left! She was becoming more and more addicted to the white powder. Shayna tried to clear her sinuses then whiffed a huge pile into her right nostril. Her left nostril was still clogged from last night, so she sniffed another pile into her right side.

Shayna heard rustling outside her hotel room then saw an envelope appear from under the door. Her feet and ankles were still sore from the six-inch spikes she wore last night so she had to limp to the door. The envelope was hand addressed to Shayna, Executive Suite Downtown Marriott. There was a note inside that read:

Dear Shayna & Lexi:

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